Wednesday, 12 December 2012

How do I survive the Holidays if I have Diabetes?

The holidays can be the most wonderful time of the year and “tis the season for social eating”. Tempting treats are everywhere. If you have diabetes, you know that the holidays can be an especially tricky time of year to manage.
With some careful planning and smart choices you can make sure that your holidays are both happy and healthy. Now that the season is upon us, here is a simple recipe you can follow to manage your diabetes:
  • Have a healthy snack before going to a social event so you don't give in to cravings.
  • Fill your plate will healthy things like fruits and veggies. Holiday favorites like pumpkin and turkey are also nutritious and delicious!
  • Share a dessert, have only a small amount, or skip the whipped-cream topping.
  • Bring a low-fat or sugar-free dish at the next holiday party you attend.
  • Make your traditional holiday foods healthier. When baking, use less sugar in a recipe and increase the use of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and other sweet-tasting spices and flavorings.
  • Use sugar substitutes to cut carbs and calories
  • When you're out shopping, bring along healthy snacks like apples, carrot sticks, or nuts and avoid the food court.
Enjoy Yourself!
You don't have to let diabetes spoil your celebrations. Get caught up in the festivities. Savor time with loved ones. Remember that a little bit of self-control can help make sure that there are many more happy holidays to come for diabetics and their families.