Wednesday, 20 November 2013

November is Osteoporosis Month

Did you know by the age of 35 you begin to lose Bone Density? The density of your bones plays the largest factor in your risk for fractures. After the first fracture, 50% of people will fracture again within the first year. Wrist, spine, pelvis and hip are the most common sites for fractures. One in Four people that experience a hip fracture will die, two will require assisted living and only one will recover and return to regular activity. 1:3 Women AND 1:5 Men will suffer from Osteoporotic Fracture PREVENTION IS KEY – START EARLY! What can you do? Mild to moderate activity daily such as walking, stretching, light weights, resistance bands, yoga and tai chi are all nice and easy ways to strengthen the muscles surrounding your bones giving them support in the prevention of fractures. Eat foods high in Calcium such as milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, kale, spinach and canned salmon with the bones! Getting your calcium from your diet first is best. Take your vitamin D! This is available in many forms including a flavourless drop that can be added to your families’ food. Advocate for yourself! Our doctors are extremely busy and sometimes treatment can be their main focus therefore prevention is up to you! Those over 50years of age, ask for a Bone Density Test. Osteoporosis Canada recommends for Adults to have 1200mg of Calcium each day. It is important you factor in your nutritional consumption before taking supplements and ensure you are taking only 500mg at one time. Try splitting up your doses with each meal. Your bones can only absorb 500mg each time therefore taking all of your calcium at once may begin to form plaques in your bloodstream with possibility of impairing your cardiac health. Osteoporosis Canada recommends taking 800IU of Vitamin D daily or more, talk to your doctor! Canadians are not exposed to the sun enough at any time of year to absorb the needed Vitamin D. Vitamin D is what helps the Calcium absorb into the bone giving your bones the nutrients they require to stay healthy. Fractures from Osteoporosis are more common than Heart Attack, Stroke and Breast Cancer COMBINED! To learn more visit or contact your Alberta Chapter at 403-237-7022