Stroke is a brain attack! Stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is cut off and brain cells die or become damaged. The two main types of stroke are ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Both of these types of stroke result in a lack of blood flow to the brain, where a buildup of blood puts too much pressure on the brain.
Anyone can suffer from a stroke. Although many risk factors for stroke are out of our control, several can be kept in line through proper nutrition and medical care.
Some risk factors for stroke include the following:
· Over age 55 - A family history of stroke - High blood pressure - High cholesterol
· Cardiovascular disease - High Blood - Cholesterol - High Stress
Common symptoms include:
· Dizziness - trouble walking - loss of balance and coordination - Speech problems –Numbness
· Weakness - or paralysis on one side of the body - Blurred, blackened - double vision
· Sudden severe headache
The good news is something can be done about stroke as it is one of the most preventable and treatable of all life threatening health problems. You can reduce your risk for a stroke by: having your blood pressure checked regularly by a health care professional, quitting smoking, reducing your weight if you are overweight, reducing your fat and salt intake, eating more grains, fruits and vegetables, and be physically active.
Within a few minutes of having a stroke, brain cells begin to die and symptoms can become present. It is important to recognize symptoms, as prompt treatment is crucial to recovery. Major advances have occurred in stroke care over the past decade and we now have a number of highly effective treatments for stroke and programs to prevent stroke.
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